Payment of Fees Policy
1 Introduction
1.1 The prompt payment of fees is integral to financial stability and viability of YATI.
1.2 Class and Course Fees are always due on or before the start of the current year, term, or half-term as agreed in your payment plan and are non-refundable.
1.3 Your payment plan and fees due will be confirmed by email at time of enrolment via the jackrabbit portal.
1.4 Term dates are published online and displayed in the Theatre in advance for all interested parties to view and note.
2 Aims and objectives
2.1 The aim of this policy is to ensure a robust, non-discriminatory and fair approach to the method by which we deal with parents and/or guardians who have not paid their child’s fees on time.
2.2 The objective of this policy is to ensure there is consistency in terms of approach and methodology. It is imperative that a standard process exists and that all involved are aware of this.
3 Payment of fees
3.1 Parents or guardians jointly and severally (where applicable) agree to pay the fees applicable to each term directly to YATI via the following payment methods: JoinIn/GoCardless; PayPal; BACS; cash; credit card; cheque.
3.2 Fees are due and payable as cleared funds before the commencement of the year, term, half-term or holiday course to which they relate, as determined by the relevant payment plan. If a fee is under query, the ‘undisputed’ balance of any other fees must be paid.
3.3 Any returned cheques will be subject to a £20 fee, whereupon the balance due must be paid using cleared funds.
3.4 Where a parent or guardian knows they are going to struggle to pay any due fees on time, please contact the office on 020 7278 2101. Where possible, YATI will endeavour to help and may be able to agree a short-term exceptional payment plan, discounted rate or a Stage Door grant. Where any compromise is agreed, the parent/guardian will be issued with a monthly statement detailing any outstanding and due amounts to enable them to manage their account. Any compromise agreed is still subject to the terms and conditions laid out in this policy.
4 Payment of Fees by a third party
4.1 An agreement with a third party to pay the fees or any other sum due to YATI does not release the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) from liability if the third party defaults and does not affect the operation of any other of these terms and conditions unless an express release has been given in writing, signed by the CEO of Young Actors Theatre Islington.
4.2 If Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) remove their child after enrolment from any class or course (for whatever reason) and any fees are unpaid, this will incur an administration charge of £50.00.
5 New Members and Concessions
5.1 A registration fee for new members will be added onto the first set of fees due to YATI.
5.2 Where payment of full fees is not possible, a child may be eligible for a discount or Stage Door grant. This is always at the discretion of Young Actors Theatre Islington, and any reduction in fees applied does not affect when payment of fees is due. Stage Door grants and discounts are subject to regular review and may be amended or ceased at any time.
5.3 Concessionary rates apply to those in receipt of benefits (proof required) or those who are full-time students. Concessionary rates are also applicable to members who have a sibling that already attends a class at the Theatre.
6 Late Payments
6.1 A £20 admin fee will be charged if fees are not paid on time. Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) will be notified by email and/or phone to bring their account up to date within the next 4 weeks.
6.2 If fees still remain unpaid by the half-term of the first term enrolled, then a further £20 admin fee will be charged and a second email sent/call made stressing that all arrears must be cleared within 7 days. A report of all outstanding fees and payments remaining after this 7 day-term will be passed to the CEO and possible exclusion may follow.
6.3 If a debt rises to an unacceptable level, YATI reserves the right, in extreme cases, to exclude the child temporarily or permanently on three days’ written notice if fees remain overdue for payment.
6.4 If a child is absent for 4 consecutive classes, they will be deemed withdrawn without notice and a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable immediately by the parent(s)/guardian(s).
6.5 The parent(s) and/or guardian(s) shall also be liable to pay all costs, fees, disbursements and charges including legal fees and costs reasonably incurred by YATI in the recovery of any unpaid fees regardless of the value of the YATI’s claim.
7 Refund or waiver of fees
7.1 Save where there is a legal liability under a court order or under the provisions of this agreement to make a refund, fees will not be refunded or waived if:
7.2 The child is absent through illness; or
7.3 A term is shortened or a vacation extended; or
7.4 The enrolled child is released home before the normal end of the class or course; or
7.5 The Theatre is temporarily closed due, for example, to adverse weather conditions; or
7.6 For any other reasonable reason.
8 Fee increases
8.1 Fees are reviewed annually and are subject to increase from time to time.
8.2 If parent(s) and/or guardian(s) receive less than a term’s notice of a fees increase they may give YATI written notice of withdrawal of the pupil within 21 days and will not be liable to pay fees in lieu of notice.
9 Cancellation
9.1 Enrolment for each child will automatically roll over each term unless either party cancels by giving the other notice by the end of the term they are currently enrolled into. For example, the last day of Spring term will be the final day to cancel enrolment for the Summer term.
10 Anti-money laundering:
10.1 From time to time, YATI may need to obtain satisfactory evidence such as sight of a passport of the identity of a person who is paying fees.
Next Review Date: December 2023
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