YATI SCRATCH is a night of new theatre in our main space. Every term YATI will give the space over to young writers (aged 13+) to try out pieces they’re working on. We’ll give the night a theme, but following the theme is not mandatory, more of an offering for creative response.
If you’re working on something you’re passionate about, then we want to hear it! After the show we will ask the audience what they thought and share this with you. We will also be joined at each Scratch night by an industry professional who will offer their feedback on ideas for development to each of the writers featured.
YATI SCRATCH is curated by Elle Dillon-Reams. Elle is an award-winning writer, director and performer, whose latest works Meat and Honeybee recently played to packed audiences and rave reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Elle has also just been selected as one of BBC 6 Music's Poets of the Year.
How To Apply
The deadlines for submission are listed under the date of each Scratch night. To apply, please send an email to info@youngactors.org.uk with the subject line: YATI SCRATCH submission. In your email let us know your name (or company name), age, your contact details, the name of your piece and a brief description of it (500 words max). If available, please attach the text of your piece to the email. We will be in touch within 72 hours of the deadline to let you know if you’ve been selected for your chosen Scratch night. In some cases, we may offer places at a future Scratch night if a slot is not available on your first-choice date.
We are looking for extracts or full performances from pieces in development that have a running time of 10 minutes or less (our preferred running time per piece is 5 minutes). Occasionally a piece may not be for us, and if so, we will let you know.
There is no fee to take part in YATI SCRATCH.

What We Expect From You
The script
Delivery of any sound queues on a USB or via email/WeTransfer by the morning of the performance
Availability for a technical run-through 90 minutes before the show begins.

What To Expect From Us
Your chance to perform in our main Theatre space with technical support from the YATI team
We will provide a Director for the evening, and where possible, actors to perform your piece
Feedback from the audience and an industry professional
Promotion on our social medial channels
Potential use of one or our rehearsal spaces on the day. Availability is strictly limited so will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. If of interest, please let us know in your submission email.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday 28th March 7pm.
Deadline for submissions: Fri 8th March
Tickets on sale here.
The running time for YATI SCRATCH is approx. 90 minutes including a short interval.