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This is a great chance to forge a company, have fun and test your skills working on a show.


Members must be prepared to commit to regular attendance and punctuality as well as learn lines quickly to ensure a successful production at the end of term.

The Performance class is a term's work towards one public performance show in the theatre.

Juniors (6-11yrs) - 1.5 hour classes

Monday: 6.15pm - YATI Theatre (8-14yrs. Make Your Own Adventure)

Wednesday: 6.15pm - YATI Theatre

Thursday: 6.15pm - YATI Theatre

Seniors (11-17yrs) - 1.5 hour classes

Monday: 4.45pm - YATI Theatre

Monday: 6.15pm - YATI Theatre (8-14yrs. Make Your Own Adventure)

Sunday: 11am - YATI Studio Two - Young Company (by audition only)

Adults (18+) - 2 hour classes

Monday: 7.45pm - YATI Theatre

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