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11 - 17yrs

Year 7 - Year 13

Class length: 90 minutes unless otherwise stated


Acting: 4.45pm - Hargrave Hall, Archway (11-14yrs)

Acting: 6.15pm - YATI Theatre

Acting: 6.15pm - YATI Studio Two

Performance: 4.45pm - YATI Theatre (12-16yrs)

Performance: 6.15pm - YATI Theatre (8-14yrs)

Acting: 6.15pm - YATI Green Room


Acting: 6.15pm - Hargrave Hall, Archway

Acting for Screen: 6.15pm - YATI Green Room

Advanced Acting: 6.15pm - YATI Theatre


Acting: 4.30pm - Church on the Corner (11-14yrs)

Acting: 4.45pm - YATI Theatre (11-14yrs)

Acting: 6.15pm - YATI Studio Two (14-18yrs)


Acting: 4.45pm - YATI Studio Two

Young Company Writers: 6.15pm - YATI Studio 2


Acting: 4.45pm - Church on the Corner

Singing: 5.30pm - Green Room (45 mins)

Musical Theatre: 6.30pm - YATI Theatre

Musical Theatre: 6.30pm - YATI Studio 2


Film Club: 10am - YATI Green Room

Acting: 1.30pm - YATI Theatre

Acting: 3pm - Church on the Corner

Dance: 3pm - YATI Studio Two

Young Professionals: 3pm - Theatre (invite only)

Acting: 4.30pm - YATI Theatre

Musical Theatre: 4.45pm - YATI Studio Two


Acting: 1.30pm - YATI Theatre

Acting: 3pm - YATI Theatre

Young Company: 11am - YATI Studio Two (by audition)


You can also book 1-1 LAMDA classes/exams via the button above

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